08. Helping a New Believer Grow – 1 Copy

Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him,  having been firmly rooted and now being built up in him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude.  

Colossians 2:6-7

What and Why



The fact that you are studying this lesson probably indicates that you are well on your way to being rooted and established in your faith. You have discovered that Scripture is filled with life changing truths. Through the Spirit and Scripture, you are being guided along a path that is increasingly well lit.


Not everyone is navigating such a path. You probably recall what it was like to stumble through life, working from false assumptions. You might remember days when the things you knew about Jesus were far too few. Most students are still in that fog. They desperately need a helping hand. God is preparing you to help.


You are his ambassador, his servant, who can direct others to the light that you have found. In order to do so there are a few skills that must be developed. Today, we turn our attention to the skills of helping someone grow in their faith.


We will practice these skills while we work with a very important subject. When Jesus forgave our sins and became Lord of our lives, he brought us into a new relationship with God. This new relationship offers us confidence and assurance that we did not have before. Many Christians spend far too long suffering the consequences of insecurities that Jesus wants removed. They doubt God’s love, forgiveness and acceptance. Such doubts stifle spiritual growth. In this lesson, you are preparing to help others develop the Biblical confidence that they are united with Christ, sealed by his promise and dearly loved children.


Learning from the Word


Read Colossians 2:6-7

Click for the text


In vs. 6, Paul highlights a connection between the experience that we had when we came to Christ and how we continue our relationship with Jesus. What is that connection?


Vs. 7 uses three terms to express what will happen as we “walk” with Jesus. What are those three phrases?


What do you think these three phrases mean?


Rooted and Grounded in Christ 

Reflect back on what Christ has taught you. What example can you give of how you have been ‘rooted’ and ‘established’ in your faith?  


 Read Colossians 2:1-3

Click for the text


In these verses Paul tells his friends in Colossae that he is not passive. He is struggling for them. He is making great efforts to help them.


What are some of the goals that Paul had for these believers listed in verses 1-3?


Why do you think the word “wealth” is associated with a “full assurance of understanding?” (vs. 2)


Where are these treasures found? (vs. 3)


Reflecting on your life before you came to Christ, where did you previously seek wisdom and knowledge?  


We want to help others discover and experience God’s riches. That is why we are going to “struggle” as Paul did. We are going to learn how to help others discover God’s riches.

Connecting to the Truth


Jesus continually helped people draw near to God. He helped them exchange one set of assumptions for another. His method wasn’t focused on directing them to a synagogue or a religious service. Jesus demonstrated that he could help people take a step of faith anywhere, at any time.


As movement builders, we want to be like Jesus, helping people take steps of faith anytime, anywhere. By God’s grace, we can meet with them, open his Word, share God’s truths, and help people grow.


With this lesson we are introducing you to a four-part follow-up series designed to help new believers take their first steps of faith. These interactive tools have been a blessing for many (even for those who have known Christ for years, but somehow, did not discover these truths).  The four follow-up lessons part of the VOLT materials:

♦ From Uncertainty to Confidence

♦ From Unworthiness to Forgiveness

♦ From Unable to Empowered

♦ Growing to Maturity


We will focus only on the first follow-up study now.



An Overview of the tool:


The follow-up tool you will be working with is interactive. As you work with this tool, your primary role is to help someone discover God’s truth as they look to the Scriptures.   The heart of the lesson is contained in a few questions that will guide someone to discover what God has said in his Word.


Go to the First Follow-up now and read through the lesson.  Follow this link:  From Uncertainty to Confidence


As you work through the lesson, make it a team activity. Take turns reading the questions. When the lesson asks for a passage of Scripture to be read, ask the student to read the text. In working with the questions, let the student be the first to share an answer.


Encourage the student to share his/her thoughts, even if his/her answers lack precision. Emphasize what they got right, and direct the student to the part of the text that answers the question.


This interactive study is simple. You should be able to relax and enjoy the experience of studying God’s Word together.


Getting ready to guide someone through the interactive study.


1. Read through the lesson. Look up the passages and observe how the text answers every question.

2. Work through the lesson with a practice partner.

a. Find someone who is willing to help you learn.

b. Divide the lesson is into several different sections. In the first section, you “lead,” walking your partner through the material. Switch roles in the next section, and let your partner walk you through the material.


After the practice session, evaluate how it went. Ask for feedback that might help you improve your skills.

Tips for working with VOLT Follow-up

Paul spoke of being a “master builder,” that is knowing well what he was doing. We want to be like him as we serve the Lord.

Ask questions and Be Curious

The lesson is filled with questions. Each is designed for the new believer to answer. Let them wrestle with the text and discover the truth. As you listen to their answers be curious. Seek to know what they really believe. You would do well if the person with whom you are speaking did a great deal of talking during the lesson. Really find out what they think, and point them to God's Word. Let the Word develop their convictions.

Taking turns reading the Bible verses

The most important part of each lesson is the Bible. Make sure that your discussion is connected to God's Word. Have the person you are working with read some of the texts out loud. You can read the other passages. The texts are either visible in the lesson or one click away via a link.

Relax and enjoy the videos

Each Follow-up lesson contains at least one film clip. These short visual presentations add variety to your interaction. Some people will be quite happy that a clip spices up the material. Others will be less impressed. Obviously, we work with a wide variety of people. Take the time to let the other person enjoy the experience of watching the message.

Why is there no place for the student to write his/her answers?

Follow-up is intended to create an interactive discussion. We prefer discussion to time spent typing out answers.

Draw and doodle

Each person has the personal style. If you like to draw and sketch PLEASE DO. Make the Follow-up lesson YOURS. Add your personality. Share your heart. If you work best with pen and paper ... by all means!

Taking Action


Set up an appointment with a new believer to discuss the first follow-up lesson.   (If you haven’t seen someone come to Christ, you can meet with someone who might be a potential disciple) Let them know before the meeting that there are verses in the Bible that address the topic and that you found it helpful to see what the Bible said.

Reflecting on what I’ve learned


What did I learn about helping someone grow in their faith?


What questions do I have about helping someone grow?


Share those questions with your discipler/trainer?  


Passing it on


This lesson has introduced you to several things that you can now pass on to others. You have easy-to-use materials that others can work with.


What will you pass on and to whom?


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