Which circle best represents your life?

Which circle best represents your life?

Helping someone make an accurate spiritual-identification.

The circle with self on the throne

If someone identifies themself as being a person with self on the throne it is appropriate to acknowledge their answer and move on to the next question.

The circle with Christ on the throne

When someone identifies themself as a person with Christ on the throne we should express encouragement. Identifying with Christ is significant. At the same time that we are encouraged, we also need to probe a little in order to understand. It is appropriate to ask, "Can you tell me about the time when this circle started to represent your life?" This gives someone the chance to share their testimony with us. Or they might share something that communicates that they are a bit confused about Christ being on the throne.

Nether one, or I’m sort of between the two

This response is interesting. While it could lead to a long discussion of what "neither one" means it doesn't need to. The next question will look deeper in the heart giving a person a chance to express what they would like to be true of their lives.